Writing Realistic Injuries… Part 1

It sounds like you've put a lot of effort into writing realistic injuries for your characters! But keep in mind that it's always important to maintain accuracy even if you haven't been exposed or know somebody who's been exposed to the actual injuries themselves (Attacked by a firebreathing Dragon) So how do we keep your …

Adding Some Action Into Your Characters Lives

Action scenes are different from normal scenes. If it's not very obvious it's because the way in which they're used and written are extremely different from say... their romantic or depressive counterparts even though the end result is the same. In the same manner how romance needs lovers to look each other in the eye …

20 High-Stake Subplot Ideas That Aren’t Romantic

When one thinks of “subplot,” they think of romantic plotlines. Which is all fine and good, of course; but believe it or not there is more to the world than just romance. Sure romance might be the easiest or in some cases the most relatable but as you develop as a writer you're able to …