Annoying Characters are a no-no and here’s why.

Absolutely, you've hit the nail on the head. While authors can certainly craft characters with deliberate traits meant to be annoying or abrasive, there's always the risk that even beloved characters may come across as irritating to some readers. It's a natural part of the reading experience that readers will have varied reactions to characters …

Hooking In Your Readers Realistically (Prt 2)

Read this Where to from here? Absolutely, for readers who may have missed Part 1, now is the perfect opportunity to dive into and catch up on what they've missed. And for those who are already on the same page , rest assured that the continuation will offer new insights, developments, and challenges for characters …

Writing Realistic Injuries… Part 2

Direction is advised going forward and some might be gory so reading this while or just after you've just eaten isn't advised. In the meantime, you can check our Part One, eat after 15 min or read a book and you're welcome. So.... how do we realistically do the following: Burn Superficial Burns (First-Degree): These …

Writing Realistic Injuries… Part 1

It sounds like you've put a lot of effort into writing realistic injuries for your characters! But keep in mind that it's always important to maintain accuracy even if you haven't been exposed or know somebody who's been exposed to the actual injuries themselves (Attacked by a firebreathing Dragon) So how do we keep your …

shit to download

Absolutely, romanticizing the image of writing can be quite alluring, but you’re right that the reality often involves more distractions and modern conveniences. However, technology can indeed be a writer's best friend, offering a plethora of tools to streamline the writing process and boost creativity. Here are a few popular writing apps that many writers …

Amateurish Writing & How to Avoid it

This disclaimer emphasizes the subjectivity of surveys and acknowledges that individual preferences vary widely. It encourages writers not to take survey results personally or feel discouraged if their writing choices align differently. It reassures writers that any writing choice can be enjoyable if executed skillfully and with intent, emphasizing the diversity of reader preferences and …

Finding a Target Market

1. Identity This might sound stupid but its kind of hard to find when when you're focused on the bottom line. However, some people tend to forget that you need to walk before you can run. That said, keep this in mind. Online, looks are everything, but what use does it matter having a good …

2 Methods on How to Make your Novel Impossible to Put Down

Think of your two favourite books. It seems like an unreasonable demand but there's a method to the madness. Once you have these books in your head then the reasons on why you couldn't put them down can be attributed to many many reasons but they all fall under the following two. 1. Regularly introducing problems …

5 Ways To Promote Your Self-Published Books Online

Self-published authors will never have the same access to resources and level of exposure as traditional publishing houses. If you’re going to publish on your own, you have no choice but to do most of the promoting yourself or hire an experienced virtual marketing assistant. However, with the introduction of social media, getting your point …

How To Check For Typing Errors In Your Writing

Finding typos in your writing is essential to ensure your work is error-free and professional. But often times when we face reality, finances don't allow us to hire a professional editor to do all of the nitty gritty editing and getting rid of the errors for us. That being said, just because you've written out …